Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fan Expo

Ok so this isn't a real review because I didn't actually attend the fan expo, but I did have to share the streets with the attendees after it while heading home.

I can't rag on the expo, I would have liked to have gone and got my Cyanide and Happiness books signed if I had the chance to, but I had other things to do. What I will do is share with everyone some observations I made while heading home this evening.

1) Ladies - if you want to dress up like your favorite witch or warlock or whatever the hell you were dressed up as, that's cool - All the power to you. BUT if this character is a size 2, and you're a size 32, don't think the illusion will be lost if you don't squeeze yourself into a size 2 outfit. Trust me, we wont mind! You don't have to force yourself into some skimpy outfit and make me want claw my eyes out in the process. Have some class and for the love of god think of the people sharing the streets who have to see you.

2)Men - swords are cool. No doubt about it. So are light sabers (if they were real) but you know whats not cool? Men/teens playing with swords like little children, on the sidewalks while people are trying to get from point A to point B.  I don't care if it lights up and make sounds. I don't care if you think you're a jedi, trust me no one except for maybe your equally dorky buddy does. What I do care about, and everyone else does -  is getting past your slow moving ass because we have places to go, people to see or a crappy bus to catch.

tldr; If you're gonna dress up in a costume - wear one that fits, if you're gonna play with toy swords do it in your house when there aren't people trying to pass you.

Old assholes using public transit.

You know what sucks? Public transit. It really really sucks. First off you have to catch a bus or train, or both in my case, its usually late and then you're packed in their like sardines. Usually theres crying children or smelly people so over all the experience is un-pleasant. Know what makes it even worse? Old assholes.  Yes you, mr. proctologist's dream, you great big asshole.  Ok lets back track...

So there I was, catching a train an hour later than I would have liked because the goddamn bus was 45 minutes late leaving Guelph. I was already in a not so great mood because I knew I was holding things up by being late, but, luckily I was able to catch a GO train right as it entered the station. "Hurray" I thought to myself, thinking I may actually salvage the evening. Oh how I was wrong. As always I turn on my phone and gps to record my trip. The train pulls out of the station and no joke after travelling 1.5km it comes to a full stop. Ugh what now? Well as it turns out the police had stopped all trains because they found a body on the train tracks. Not much I could do about that, so I tried to be patient and not complain. It would have been nice if Go Transit had notified everyone to say there would be another 45 minute delay, but that's neither here nor there.

After 15 minutes of waiting patiently this little devil of a child starts wailing. If it was a baby, I could accept it, but this was a 5 or  6 years old kid. There were babies on the train who were perfectly content. Know why this kid was wailing? He didn't have candy to eat while playing on his iPad. Damn it parents, teach your kids when its appropriate to wail. I sincerely hope you beat that little shit when you got home - away from prying eyes (everyone was thinking it - in fact people brought it up when you finally got off the train).

After 30 minutes of waiting, this old wind bag comes down the stairs with his panties in a bunch looking to chew people out. This guy had some serious issues because he got within two inches of the staffs face to yell at them. I felt for the girl. I think I would have headbutted that jackass if it was me. As if it was her fault a dead body was found on the tracks. AND this girl couldn't have been older than 20 or so. This guy was on a power trip. Good job asshole, you're trying to intimidate someone 40 years younger and 1 foot shorter than you. Seriously, GO transit, let your staff carry tasers ok? This asshole deserved a good tasing. After 15 minutes of him relentlessly yelling out, and old woman yelled out "Would some one push that old windbag out onto the tracks in front of the next on coming train or let him walk?" I have to say, for an old immobilized person, I was pretty impressed. This spawned my "out-loud" comment of saying he was a proctologists dream - a real big asshole. Needless to say he was not impressed but at least he shut up for the next few minutes while the train was allowed to depart.

Moral of the story? Yelling at staff and making others un-comfortable will make other people hate you. So don't do it. I sincerely hope Mr.Asshole that you don't use public transit again because the last thing we need is more windbags like you polluting already crappy public transit. As for you GO transit staff, Good job keeping a cool head. And I really hope you get tasers. No one should have to put up with that kinda crap.

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Blackberry Dev Alpha

I suppose this should be my first post. Why? Cause it was after this review video that co-workers and friends said I need a tumblr or review site. God knows why, but I listened to them and here was the two crappy videos that led to the catch phrase "What the Hell".

So to go into more detail...

After going to the BlackBerry Jam in Toronto and being rather underwhelmed with their introduction speech and videos, they began showing off the dev alpha running BB10. Let me be clear, I wasn't impressed with what I saw, but I was quite happy to be getting a device FOR FREE to play with. They showed a number of cut scenes which made this piece of junk look usable, but it was a lie. I've received 3 updates for this thing since making those videos and let me tell you... not a whole lot of improvement. What a piece of crap. F

Hello & Welcome


Welcome to This is my non professional blog. Don't like it? I don't care!  In this blog I'm going to make semi thought out and rash statements and reviews about random crap, but we'll get to that later. So like it, or hate it, here it is.