Sunday, December 2, 2012

Shopping with Retards

Ok, my mother always taught me, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all, well in that case I wouldn't really have a whole lot to write.

Typically, when you have to get groceries, or shop for items, its more of a chore than anything else. As a guy, I like to think for two seconds, know what I want, go into the store, grab it and get out. Its idiot people which make this chore take far longer than it should and drive me mental.

I'm going to lay out a few "What not to do scenarios" in hopes that people will read this and think... Crap I'm one of those morons, maybe I shouldn't do this.

1) If you're a heffer, and already take up half the aisle, don't park your cart in the other half so people cant get by you.

2) If you're a heffer, perhaps you should not use a cart. Perhaps you should use a basket, this would stop you from buying so much crap you don't need and give you some exercise which clearly you need.

3) Don't stand in front of shelves, or units and stare blankly or read through every ingredient. Get out of people's way, and read on your own time. BY THE WAY, when I see someone reading the ingredients on milk, you're just asking for me to snap.

4) Keep your kids on a leash, or better yet leave them at home.

5) Going to the cash register with a million coupons (and not even having them friggin organized) is un-acceptable. If you waste 15 minutes of my time and everyone behind you in line, to save yourself a buck or two, you should probably be shot.

6) Have a clue. If you don't need anything, or you're just wandering aimlessly, just go home. You should have used that peanut brain and planned ahead of time what you needed.

7) Deodorant  Use it. Honestly this shouldn't be on my list but if I can smell you, well before I can see you... there is an issue. Personal hygiene is cool! No one wants to smell your rancid oder. Ladies this goes the same for terrible over-kill perfume.

8) Women trying to be milfs - Ok this is not one I thought of until I hit the mall today. If you're a 40+yr old woman and you're trying to "fit in" with you teen daughters, just stop. You're not fooling anyone. You're just drawing attention to yourself (which is maybe what you want) but its the attention where people are thinking "Who's that old bag trying to fool? Gross". You know whats more of a turn on? Dressing your age and respectable.

More rants to come I'm sure

New James bond movie

Warning! Spoilers - It sorta sucked!

Alright, the movie was OK. Not great, not shit, but simply ok. It's the kind of garbage you'd expect from the James Bond series after watching Quantam of Solace.

Since there isn't much to really talk about in this movie, lets analyse some of it's stupidity

1) In the scene where the sniper is shooting from one building into another, why in the hell does no one act surprised when the target's brains are blown out? Like they just go about their merry business. If this was a setup hit, and they knew about it, why the hell would they have bothered with the sniper? That was a useless plot point to get bond a brief case.

2) What was the point of that chick, bond met in the Casino? just to deliver some boring dialogue, and then get shot? Sure there was that shower sex scene which contributed nothing to the plot too.

3) Why is Q such a retard? He manages to obtain this super brilliant hackers computer, and then just plugs it into the network? DUR! Why the hell wouldn't they disassemble the laptop and just read the hard drive? Or better yet, if you're going to plug it in, don't give it network access.

Well those were some of the glaring things that stood out in my mind. I watched it a month ago so I'm sure I forgot a bunch. It's a rental not a theater worthy film.

Just saying